FFD is an experienced non-profit organization based in Helsinki, Finland. We work in development cooperation supporting agricultural and forestry producers in developing countries. The organization, founded in 2012, has its roots in MTK's solidarity work for producers in developing countries. FFD’s member organizations are the Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK), the Central Union of Swedish-Speaking Farmers and Forest Owners in Finland (SLC), Pellervo Coop Center and the Association of ProAgria Centres, which gives FFD a strong backbone for operations in developing countries.  The Finnish Association of Academic Agronomists (Agronomiliitto), the Finnish village association Suomen Kylät ry and the Central Organization for Finnish Horticulture (Puutarhaliitto) support FFD as supporting members. 

Productive family farms provide food security and employment for a growing population in developing countries. However, individual farmers require supporting networks that provide knowledge and capital. Our goal is to strengthen Farmers’ Organizations, but also, to make sure that Farmers’ Organizations know how to stay strong for many years to come.

The core of our support to farmers is the cooperation between Farmer’s Organizations, Finnish experts and FFD. The Farmer’s Organizations decide what needs to be done and how it is to be implemented. The Finnish twinning partner organizations advise them. FFD controls and monitors the implementation of the projects.

FFD's work is focused on the food, water and energy nexus, improving the ability of smallholder farmers and producers to use natural resources productively and sustainably. Land management and land management related rights play a key role in the work of FFD. FFD is working on building resilience and strengthening the rights and responsibilities of smallholder farmers and producers through Farmers’ Organizations, taking into account the challenges posed by climate change.